Student internship is the key to a successful professional integration.
If you are a student or a student organization, a host organization or a higher education institution, we need your opinion to advance the SPRINT project !
The SPRINT project (financed by the European Union) began with a statement : a difficult european integration of young people, the recognized added value of internships in professional employability and, on the other hand, the lack of common good practices at the european level of student placements.
You can find more informations about SPRINT here.
The european SPRINT project aims to create the first european standard for quality student internships (win-win). It will be labeled by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) represented by AFNOR.
The seven partners of the project are european : Paul-Valéry University (France), Afnor(France), Adecco (Switzerland), Uniser (Italy), Eurashe (Europe), InternsGoPro (Belgium), Trade Union Youth Plus (Slovenia).
Answering this survey will only take a few moments.
We apologize in advance if you receive this questionnaire in multiple copies.
If you have no answer, put "nc"
It is possible to answer this questionnaire until February 5, 2018
Contact : the person who sent you the survey
or, in case of problem :
